Boletín Informativo de GNI - 21/12/09

lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2009 |

El día de hoy, GoldNuggetInvest ha enviado un boletín informativo en el cual nos desea una temporada festiva feliz a lado de nuestros seres queridos y además nos informa de la disponibilidad de soporte que tendrá el programa en las dos semanas que vienen.

Seasons Greetings to All of our Friends at GNI:
What a year 2009 has turned out to be! We sure have had our share of success; to do so, however, we have faced some challenges of sizable proportion. We're here, we're moving into 2010 with a vision for our future, premised on an evolving Business Model that has served us well.
Like all progressive ventures in today's economy, we must adapt to an ever increasingly dynamic business environment or risk succumbing to our adversaries, an option we don't even want to consider.
This week, however, we want you all to enjoy this time with your friends, family and loved ones while taking a moment to remember those who are less fortunate.
Those of you who are new to our project, we welcome you with open arms; and to those who have been with us, we extend our hands to you in friendship knowing that our reason for being is our customers who are tried and true.
On behalf of Jurgen, Myself, Todd, Lim, Rumiko, Debbie, Ingenue and all of our Families, we wish you all a very happy Holiday Season and nothing but the best for a healthy and prosperous 2010.
Robert and your GNI Team

The following depicts the availability of Support for the forthcoming two weeks (all times are GMT; those on the East Coast of the US, subtract five hours):

Monday, December 21st - Normal Business Hours
Tuesday, December 22nd - Normal Business Hours
Wednesday, December 23rd - Office closes at 1400 and will remain closed until Monday, December 28th. No payments or support during this time period. (Note, the offices will be closed on the 23rd for US customers, due to the nature of the time differential).
Monday, December 28th - Normal Business Hours.
Tuesday, December 29th.- Normal Business Hours
Wednesday December 30th - Office closes at 1400 and will remain closed until Monday, January 4th 2010. Interest payments will be made starting Tuesday, January 5th, 2010.

Please do not submit tickets, emails or otherwise to Support as they will not be reviewed during the closed dates.

Como verán del 23 al 27 de diciembre y del 30 de diciembre al 4 de enero del 2010 no habrá atención de parte de GNI, por lo tanto, no se harán pagos durante esos días. Esto es entendible ya que todos somos seres humanos que deseamos estar con nuestra familia durante estas fechas y además, tomarnos un pequeño descanso es necesario para comenzar muy bien el nuevo año.

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