NanoMoneyCorp sufrió ataque DDOS

miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2010 |

Hoy ha sido un día muy agitado para el equipo de NanoMoneyCorp y creo también para los inversores de este programa que hemos seguido de cerca los acontecimientos ocurridos: Desde las primeras horas del día de hoy, NanoMoneyCorp estuvo inaccesible, lo cual no es muy habitual en este buen programa. Luego se pudo acceder, pero hubo una especie de "mezcla" de cuentas: ingresabas y veías depósitos que no habías realizado nunca o quizás ya no tenías tus referidos de antes. Rápidamente, el admin anunció que se mantenga la calma y que, si bien podíamos ver información que no era nuestra, nadie podía hacer cambios en ellas. Sólo se trataba de un caché del sistema.

Please don't panic! You would not be able to change ANY info. You can probably see other's accounts. But it is only a cache. There are too many bots on the site and system can cope with them. So some faults may be possible. Still it is only a visionary info.
But things would be fine soon, believe me. I would never write anything there if we were going to run away with our investor's money. None but administration can change any account data and steal your money as well. There is nothing to be worry about. We will come to normal work back soon.
Además de esto, algo que me ha sorprendido mucho es el siguiente comentario que hizo el admin:
This time the attack is really enormous with a smart bots. So apparently not all the protectors can cope with such type of the attack. It looks that this attack cost a BIG sum of money to those who wanted it happen. And as we never received a letters from the attackers I can suggest that this one was organized and sponsored by a bunch of our competitors. A lot of them (including Stoic/PanaMoney admin) are getting mad with the time we are working online. In any way, it happens not for the first time. And I'm still sure that we will find a solution as every problem has a solution.
Meanwhile I would like to stress that the site is still working and we carry all the payouts in the timely manner.
Como pueden leer, este ataque ha sido muy grande a pesar de la protección que poseen, y según se puede colegir de sus palabras, ha responsabilizado al conocido PanaMoney, otro grande de esta industria. Lo que me sorprende no es el hecho de que alguna administración quiera traerse abajo el programa de otros (lo comenté hace unos días en el caso de Genius Funds), sino el hecho de responsabilizar y dar nombres directamente. Esto demuestra la gran competitividad existente, ¿quién ganará esta batalla? no lo sé, pero yo espero que ninguna de los dos...

En estos momentos ya casi todo ha vuelto a la normalidad, salvo que podremos experimentar un poco de lentitud en la navegación. El comunicado oficial publicado en el sitio web, lo pueden leer a continuación:
Massive DDOS attack.
Dear investors!
The site is currently under enormous DDOS attack. You may expect long time of page loading or some system faults. In fact we face that type of attacks for the first time ever. But please be patient as we are working hard to find a solution. The attack we faced is so difficult that not many of the DDOS protectors we turned to (including the one we use) are helpless. But still the site is working and we handle all the payments in timely manner. This attack would not affect your investments and you would not loose a penny because of it. We want to apologies for any troubles the work of our site may cause you but you have to understand that it is in our favor to fix everything as soon as possible. Be sure that we will continue our work despite of any obstacles would appear on our way.

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